Fixing Problems around your Home

Stanley Restorationhome improvement dallas, DFW home improvement is all about keeping your home safe. Here are some helpful tips to solve lot’s of every day small issues around the house. We’re only covering 3 of them, but we’re including the link so you can go learn more. Some of these won’t be all that common in the Dallas area, but even Dallas area homeowners can benefit from the list.

There are no Fire Damage Restoration tips in here, but they are still good.

Tips and Tricks for Home Improvement in Dallas

  • Garbage Disposal StankWe all know the smell. you enter your kitchen and are hit by a stench that will be sure to drive everyone in the house out of your kitchen. Good tips to fix it.
  • Get the Musty Out of your Front Load WasherMusty smelling front load washing machines are a bane. Fix it with this one simple tip.
  • Hide Hardwood Floor Scrapes and ScratchesIf you have kids or dogs, this is a big one. Check out the tip list.

Here’s the link. Click it and learn to your heart’s content!


Water Restoration DFW, Dallas Fire Restoration

Stanley Restoration and More has been serving the Dallas/Ft Worth area since 1981.  Call the most trusted name in fire and water damage restoration. You can find them on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook